Baseball makes me think of spring just as much as any flowers or singing birds! We are baseball fanatics around our house!! Which all led me to my next project....
Just right before Valentine's day, I made my son a baseball subway art for his college apartment. I thought he might like it, but not really sure how much. He was home one weekend while I was working on it and I noticed he kept looking at it when he would walk through. It wasn't long until he said, "Hey, do ya think you could make one of those for my girlfriend for Valentine's day?" :)
Well, of course. I would love to do what I can to save you money on her Valentine's present. :)
So here we go. I didn't take too many pictures, so I'm posting the only decent ones I have. It was my first project with my new cricut and I was IN LOVE!
I made his red to match his room, and it's driving me C R A Z Y that the streeeerike looks crooked, but he left with it before I had a chance to do anything about it. One of these days - in May actually - he will have to move home for the summer and I'm going to see if it's really crooked or if it's the angle of the picture. And if it really is crooked - I'm fixing it!!! Is it just me or does everyone else learn a major lesson the first time you do a new project?!
My son says his girlfriend has all colors in her room so I just went with gold since that's part of the school colors. I guess you can figure out she's a softball player. :)
I didn't notice until now how I just happened to hang his - with red on it - on the red wall, and hers - with gold on it - on the yellow wall!
Hopefully soon I'll learn how to take decent pictures. :)
I have a few other projects I worked on this winter that I'll blog about soon.
Stay safe until next time!
Linking up at -
Friday, March 23, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Liebster Award!!
I'm so happy that Lesley, over at Not 2 Shabby Crafts, made me one of the recipients of the Liebster Award! It was so sweet of her to do that!! :) This award is bestowed to blogs that have less than 200 followers. Liebster is German for Dear, Beloved, Favorite.
Since I received this award - I now get to pass it along! Here are the rules -
The honor of accepting is done in the following fashion:
1. Link back to the person who bestowed the honor on you.
2. Pick 5 blogs with less than 200 followers to pass the award forward.
3. Post the award on your blog!
Here are the sites I chose to share the award with -
1. California Dreaming - I found her burlap wreath through a link party, but then loved how she does crafts, paints furniture, crochets, and knits! I'm sure there's more, but wow!
2. Flair for Home - Their adoption story is amazing and I greatly admire others who put their trust in the Lord and leave it to Him to work out according to His will!
3. The Sweet Life - Cake. Pops. Lots and lots of cute, pretty, and I'm sure absolutely tasty cake pops!! Need I say more?!!
4. Myriad of Possibilities - I stumbled across Cindy's blog from her cute little lunches she packed, but when I saw her copy of One Yard Wonders - which is also a book of mine - I knew she had great taste and I knew I was gonna have to keep an eye on her! :)
5. Our Home Away From Home - I'm not sure how I ran across this site, but I absolutely love the header! It looks so much like "me." I also love her master bath and she has lots of cute DIY projects!
Congratulations to everyone and don't forget to pass it on! And while you're at it, go by Lesley's and see her great blog and crafts!!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Updated Mail Holder
I had an old, old, very outdated mail holder. It didn't bother me too much that it looked so 90's, 80's, or whatever, because my daughter had SO MUCH mail in it that it never even showed ! However when my daughter got married (and subsequently moved out), I cleaned out all of her old mail and boxed it up. I knew immediately that some changes had to take place! I wish I had a picture of the "before" look, but you can kind of see it in the picture below because I wasn't too worried about painting the fronts completely.

I first painted it all red, and then I mod podged scrapbook paper onto the fronts of the "holders." Easy peasy and it looks soooo much better than before!!
It looks so nice on my yellow wall that I don't even want to put anything in it! :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012
Starting small
There's a linky party going on over at Thistlewood Farm that asks "what do you want your blog to be when it grows up?" At first I wasn’t sure. But then I remembered that whenever you do anything you should always have a goal in mind. If not, you'll never know if you get to where you're going. Or maybe something like that. :)
Anyway, this all got me to thinkin'.... and so far, I've come up with the following goals/reasons for blogging.
We built our house back in 1998 and when we did, we had three kids, (well I guess we still do, but they were younger then), and not a whole lot of time for planning. The opportunity arose to start the house much quicker than we thought and we took it. Also, we had limited budget and we did some things knowing it was now or never, but others we just waited on until time and funds allowed. So back to the point, I want to keep a diary of things around the house to show how things have changed over the years and how we’re working to keep our home updated. There. That was simple.
I hope by having this blog, that I will stay motivated do "fun" things around the house. I love to do crafty things. I really do. And now with an empty nest, I'm hoping to get my house in the style I really like; instead of just what I can get my hands on at the time.
I want my blog to reflect my character and personality. Right now I'm going with a basic template blog, but I hope to have pictures and gadgets that show my style.
I sure hope I learn to take better pictures along the way. Cause did you look at that first picture from the canvas tutorial?! I am NOT linking back to that post! And did you notice that I don't even have ONE in this post?!! Geez!!
I hope to make a few friends along the way. I like to talk and hey, if I can't talk in person, typing is the next best thing. I hope to make people smile or laugh and also by seeing the way I do things, I'm sure everyone will feel better about herself (or himself). :)
And lastly, if my blog could make a little money at some point way down the road, I'd be okay with that, too. But if not, I’m alright. Because really and truly, I’m doing this for FUN. :)
One more thing, if someone could please, tell me why this is all one big paragraph instead of the nine I wanted it to be? :)
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