Friday, May 25, 2012

Can I Keep Anything Green and Healthy?!?

Can you grow plants?  Well, I ... really can't.  I do have ONE plant that I've had for a couple of years, but it doesn't look great.  I've tried lots of plants over the years and ... I struggle.  

Then after reading The Nester's series on plants - and terrariums - I thought to myself "maybe I can grow one of those!" 

I decided to make one with a lid, for one reason and one reason only.  Mickey.  The cat.  He doesn't pose for pictures the way Inky did, so you'll have to wait to see him.  I gotta get lucky.

 Anyhoo, I was on a trip - the same one where I visited Bass Pro -  and I bought an apothecary jar at Michael's with my 40% off coupon.  Then went to Home Depot and picked up three little plants to fill it up with.  Since I'm not a plant person, I have no idea what they are.  I lost the little thingys that came stuck in the pot. 

Oh I see me!  At least sorta.  It's really, really hard to photograph a glass.

 I do know one is some type of fern.  I mean geez, I have some plant sense.  :)

 I may try to find some miniature thing to go in there.  I think a tiny church would be awesome.  But considering I live MILES from any cool stores, it might take me a while!

Well, we'll see how long this green thumb lasts.  These are supposed to be easier than a regular plant and believe me - I'm the perfect guinea pig to test it out!


  1. I really want to create a little terrarium...yours is adorable! I always kill my plants...

    Stopping by from the Networking Blog Hop...I am your newest follower! I would love if you would check out my blog and if you like what you see please follow back :)
    Modern Modest Beauty

  2. Your terrarium is great. Good luck with keeping the plants alive. Last time I tried one the little plant did great. Till I thought maybe the top should come off for a few hours. That was when one of our cats ate it right down to the dirt. Sigh. So my helpful hint is, keep the top on!

    1. lol! My cat eats everything, I mean everything, the other one eats nothing but cat food. So I totally understand your issue! :)

      Thanks for stopping by!!

  3. Thank fully I can grow plants. The kind that mostly take care of themselves LOL. I, too, am an empty nester, have a grand daughter nearby, but work part time thanks to Hubby graciously bringing in enough to allow me to do so. I love what you did with the terrarium ... good luck!

    1. Thanks!

      Once you get several years in the public school retirement system, it's crazy not to finish, so I'll be there a few more years. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I only have artificial plants because I worry about water rings. I would probably kill them anyway. My hubby is the one who waters the ones outside or they would not survive. Plants are not my thing, I guess. Yours is really cute. I think a little object would look good in there like you say. It's great that you are trying something new. Blogging will do that for us, right?!

    1. I'm pretty good about watering flowers outside, it's just these inside plants that I forget about! It should be the opposite, right? :)

  5. This is AWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESOME!!!!!! like the little engine that could!!!! thanks for sharing! : ) hugs...your newest follower : )

  6. Love your terrarium. I've been thinking of doing the same thing you have, for the same reason. Billy, the cat, eats EVERY plant he sees, including artificial ones! He eats, throws up, eats, throws up. Craziest thing you ever saw.

    I just found your blog this morning. We have so many things in common that I just have to stick with you!

    Keep up your beautiful blog, Rosie.

    1. I would love it if you would!

      Mickey eats everything too. I made an arrangement last year for the dining room table and I tried to sneak in some little feathers in the middle. Wasn't long until I sat down and just found stubs! And try to make a spinach salad... no way. He loves fresh spinach! *eye roll*

      I'm so glad you came by! Get yourself a blog and we can hang out and drink coffee and have a good ol' time!

  7. I love the container you chose for the terrarium! So cute :)

  8. Cats crave green stuff. I literally go out every day and pick some grass right out of my yard, bring it in, throw it on the floor and they gobble it up. :)
    I think you may need to take the lid off occasionally due to the humidity (???)

    you did a super job putting it all together.


    1. Thanks Gail! The one cat that doesn't eat things around the house, loves grass. She tries to sneak out the door sometimes to go get some, so I usually get a handful and put it inside for her, too.

      Thanks for coming by!

  9. oh that was such a cool post! ill have to try that : ) im following your blog now -its fantastic!

    i haven't been posting on my blog a lot this school year, but i just did and i will more this summer. i hope youll please check it out! i write about love, life and happiness :3

    - <3

    1. I sure will! I managed this spring, but I'm anxious to see how next year goes. Not anxious as in "I'm ready for the school year to be here now," but I just want to keep at least a post a week. :)

  10. Misti,

    You are so funny! I'm glad you figured out one was a fern :) Seriously....I love this idea and you have inspired me to start my own terrarrium!


  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. This has been on my to-do list for some time already but I have yet to do it.

    I've tried multiple times to keep plants alive and failed miserably. The last time I tried was with a beautiful Orchid and I did great for about six weeks but then it too dies. I was so sad to have killed something so beautiful that I have not tried since.

  13. I've had this on my to do list for awhile also. I do good with plants outside, but inside not so much. I remember my Mom having terrarriums, and I've always loved them. Yours looks wonderful, and I love the idea of putting a little church in there, maybe a Christmas ornament one, or even a cross, now you've got me thinking...

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